Q: Is the Winter Festival in-person or online?
A: Both! Join us in-person at the Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall at Benaroya Hall and/or in the SCMS Virtual Concert Hall, which includes full access to livestream performances from Nordstrom Recital Hall and on-demand concerts (available in February).
Q: Does my subscription include access to the SCMS Virtual Concert Hall?
A: All Premier Package subscribers receive complimentary access to the SCMS Virtual Concert Hall. Subscribers to the
4-Concert Series and 3-Concert Series can add full access to the SCMS Virtual Concert Hall for $75.
Q: When can I watch the on-demand concerts?
A: Concerts will be available on-demand two weeks after the original performance date, and all performances will stream through March 15, 2024.
Q: How do I watch the concerts in the SCMS Virtual Concert Hall?
A: Instructions on accessing the series will be sent via email prior to the first concert in January. Additionally, we have staff support available before and during the release of each performance via our box office at 206.283.8808. To test your at-home setup, visit: seattlechambermusic.org/virtualFAQ
Q: What if I can’t attend a certain concert?
A: Ticket exchanges are possible, subject to availability, or you may donate your ticket to receive a tax credit. To begin this process, please call our Box Office at 206.283.8808.
Q: What is a 100% Subscriber?
A: 100% Subscribers include a tax-deductible gift equal to their subscription. This gift helps cover additional costs associated with producing our festival.
Q: When does the early subscription renewal period end?
A: Early bird subscription orders will have priority access for seats through Friday, October 27. Single ticket orders will be processed in the order they are received beginning Monday, October 30.
Q: I want to order my subscription tickets online but want to choose my own seats. How do I do that?
A: Unfortunately, we do not have the software capability for patrons to select their seats online for subscriptions. However, if you type in your seating preferences under “Special Requests” during checkout, we will do our very best to accommodate your preferences, based on availability. Or you can call our Box Office: (206) 283-8808. You are able to select specific seats for single ticket orders once all tickets are on-sale.
Q: When will my tickets be mailed?
A: All tickets will be held until late November. After that time tickets will be mailed weekly. Orders placed within 10-days of the performance will be held at Will Call.
Q: What are your COVID safety protocols?
A: SCMS is following the guidelines as set forth by the Center for Disease Control and local government entities. At this time, masks are optional for all SCMS concerts. For updated information, visit our website at seattlechambermusic.org.
Q: I’ve never attended a chamber music concert, what should I wear?
A: Like most arts organizations in Seattle, the most important thing is that we want you to come and join us! That means you’ll see folks dressed up coming from work or out for a date night wearing a suit, or a nice dress, but you’ll also see folks come in jeans and a sweatshirt. The most important thing is you come comfortable and ready to listen to some world-class musicians perform some amazing music!
Q: When do Walk-Up sales begin?
A: The Box Office will open 90 minutes prior to the concert start time. Once we are open, you may begin purchasing tickets at the door or picking up tickets at Will Call. Our Box Office is separate from the Seattle Symphony box office (located on the main floor of Benaroya Hall). The SCMS box office is located at the top of the stairs on the north end of Benaroya Hall, in the lobby of the Nordstrom Recital Hall.
Q: Do you have Rush tickets?
A: We’ve switched! While we no longer offer Rush tickets, we are offering Pay-What-You-Can tickets. Find out more HERE. Feel free to call our Box Office at (206) 283-8808 with any questions!
Q: I lost my tickets. What do I do?
A: If you have lost or misplaced your tickets, please give our office a call at (206) 283-8808, and we will be happy to reprint your tickets for you.
Q: I forgot my tickets at home and the concert starts in 10 minutes. What do I do?
A: No problem! Come see a staff member at the Box Office and we will be happy to reissue your tickets for that evening.
Q: What if I don’t like where I am sitting, can I exchange my seats?
A: Absolutely. If you decide that you don’t like where your seats are, come visit us at the Box Office and we will be happy to exchange your seats if there are some available more suited to your preferences.
Q: Are you a member of Teen Tix?
A: Yes, we offer $5 tickets to Teen Tix members. To receive this ticket price you just need to show us your validation as a member of the program, or you can sign up at our Box Office. Teen Tix is available for children ages 13-19.
Q: Do you have a Pay-What-You-Can Program?
A: Yes! You can find more information HERE.
Q: I want to come with a group, do you offer group discounts?
A: Yes, we offer a 20% discount for groups of 10 or more. To discuss arrangements for a group sale, contact our Box Office at 206.283.8808 or at [email protected]
Q: Where do I park?
A: Parking is available in the Benaroya Hall parking garage. The entrance is located on 2nd Avenue, just south of Union St. Follow this link for more information about Directions and Parking. You may pre-purchase parking by calling the Seattle Symphony box office (pricing and phone number information found in link above).
Q: I have trouble with stairs. Is there alternative access to the hall?
A: Yes, an elevator with direct access to the hall’s lobby will be available for use beginning 30 minutes prior to the Free Pre-Concert Recital.
Q: What’s the difference between the recital and the concert?
A: Great question! The recital is a FREE pre-concert activity that is open to everyone, regardless if you have a ticket for the main concert or not. The recital begins one hour prior to the concert and features one or two artists from the main concert playing a piece of their choosing. The artists generally offer a brief introduction to the music. These recitals are scheduled to last 30 minutes. After the recital is over, ushers will clear the hall or check for tickets to begin seating for the main concert. If you do not have a ticket for this concert, you will be unable to attend the main performance. However, we typically have a handful of tickets still available for purchase at our Box Office, located in the lobby of Nordstrom Recital Hall if you would like to attend.
Q: How long do concerts typically last?
A: Concerts typically last two hours, including one 15-minute intermission.
Q: Will there be merchandise available for purchase?
A: Yes. We will have a variety of artist CDs and recordings of select pieces from the concert lineup for sale along with books, and other musical souvenirs.
Q: Can I view the seating chart for Nordstrom Recital Hall before I arrive?
A: Yes. You can view the seating chart HERE.